When buying furniture, many people will buy oak furniture, but when they buy it, they often can’t tell the difference between oak and rubber wood, so I will teach you how to distinguish rubber wood and rubber wood.
What is oak and rubber wood?
Oak, botanical classification is in Fagaceae > Fagaceae > Quercus > oak species; oak, distributed in the northern hemisphere, mainly in North America, common is white oak and red oak.
The botanical classification of Hevea is in the order of golden tiger tail > Euphorbiaceae > Hevea > Hevea; Hevea, native to Amazon forest in Brazil, was transplanted in Southeast Asia by British in the 19th century, and the raw materials of Hevea furniture are mostly from Southeast Asia.
Price difference
As oak wood is not common in China, the price of the furniture is higher than that of rubber wood furniture.
The standard oak wood has fine holes, clear wood ray, bright mountain wood grain after leaning, good texture when touching, which is commonly used to make oak floor, which is also widely known on the market. The rubber wood hole is thick, sparse, and the wood ray is mesh.
Post time: Oct-17-2019